About Us
Meet the People
Hello and thanks for visiting our website!
We are a small, family-owned company based on the Gold Coast. We're passionate about the environment, quality of life, sustainable products, and coffee! We are focused on giving back to the environment and building product solutions that address the crisis of waste.

Our vision isĀ to do things thatĀ add value, things that give people freedom, and things that help the environment. WeĀ want to leave an improved world for our kids so we're driven by good technology, sustainability design and innovation, where creativity meets purpose.
We purchasedĀ Pod StarĀ due our own love of coffee and the ingenious solution to the massive issue of disposable coffee pods. We had a coffee machine at home and we wanted the option of using ourĀ favourite coffee. We were alarmed to learn of the environmental impact caused by the over 3 million pods per day going in to landfill in Australia and surprised by the environment cost of recycling. So while we were prompted by wanting to drink better coffee, it was the environmental findings about coffee pod waste thatĀ drove us to purchase Pod Star and their ingenious solution.Ā
Ā Back in 2018, the first Pod Star was released. It was for use inĀ Nespresso machines. ThisĀ Pod Star capsuleĀ set the quality for all that followed. The top-grade stainless steel is used with no single-use parts needed to operate it. In 2019 theĀ first reusable pod in the world for use in the K-Fee machinesĀ was added. Then in 2020 theĀ first reusable pod in the world for use in Espressotoria machinesĀ was developed.
WeĀ areĀ continually looking for other ways we can help youĀ reduce waste, and reduce plastic products. When faced with a choice in any business process, we choose for the environment first.Ā Our deliveries to youĀ areĀ carbon neutral and we pack in organic biodegradable packaging.Ā All of our packing is free ofĀ laminate andĀ can be composted or recycled. We are heading towards being a zero-plastic business, and we are continuing to find new ways to help make the world a safer, less toxic, waste free place.
When you partner with us, you're partnering for a better world. Less waste, less plastic, more care, better life. Thank you. Please feel free to say hi anytime, we love hearing from our customers.